
Brand Identity

The DePaul College Prep Brand reflects student, faculty, and staff input and was approved by the Board of Directors on June 11, 2020.




The Primary D and Shield

Primary school logo used for uniforms, signs, and written materials, with the school name.
  • Maintains a strong and recognizable D with an embedded Cross of Faith in a new look

  • Color accent changes to reflect its use -- academics, athletics, clubs, service, spirit




The Academic Seal

Used on official documents, diplomas, transcripts, and in Mission and Ministry work.

Elements include:

  • Centered icons represent our five core values: Faith (center), Respect (top right), Excellence (bottom right), Service (bottom left), and Health (top left)

  • Cross of Faith reflects Chicago's street grid pattern

  • Six pointed red stars of the Chicago flag

  • Congregation of the Mission, the formal name of our religious sponsors, the Vincentian Order founded by St. Vincent de Paul

  • Encircled by Lake Michigan Blue and our primary Navy



The Ram Mascot

The official mascot of DePaul College Prep. Go Rams!
  • A sleek, stylized Ram

  • Primary outline: Navy.  Secondary color on the ram horn and in the eye changes to reflect how it is used for spirit icons, athletics, clubs, and others



Colors & Typefaces


Our Colors

Primary: Navy and White

Secondary: Lake Michigan Blue

The iconic blue from the Chicago flag represents our City's natural treasure, Lake Michigan.

Tertiary: Chicago Star Red

The six-pointed stars celebrate the defining moments in Chicago’s history.





Our Typefaces

Our serif typeface for our academic wordmark boasts a modern look, with clean straight lines and classic curves.



Our sans-serif typeface for our athletic wordmark has strong strokes and active movement.


Academic Wordmark

Athletics Wordmark



Athletics Identity



For questions & permission of official logo use, branding, or other DePaul Prep identity matters, please contact:

Ms. Carrie Emge
Marketing & Communications Coordinator